Thursday, April 18, 2013

Step 5: Planting

After putting our garden together, we started collecting seeds slowly. We bought our first bunch of organic seeds from Whole Foods. We got Basil, Danvers Carrots, Sugar Pie Pumpkins, and Bloomsdale Spinach. We immediately set to planting the carrots and spinach. It was actually pretty late by the time we got these two in the ground, but you know what they say: better late than never.
Glenn spent a day in the garden putting in our little seeds!

Secondly, after several weeks of avoiding the headache of picking out the exact varieties of seeds that we wanted we finally placed our order at Baker Creek Heirloom seeds, a wonderful seed company that provides all natural, rare, and non-gmo seeds.
We ended up with: Purple Jalepeno, King of the North Bell Peppers, Brandywine Tomatoes, Kentucky Wonder Bean Pole, Dill, Thyme, Cilantro, Lavender, Sugar Baby Watermelons, Marigolds, and got a free funky type of melon that I can't even pronounce! We were so excited today when they came in the mail!
 We immediately made a trip to the store to get some nice, rich, potting soil and biodegradable seed cups for our future transplants.
In total we ended up with 4 tomato plants, 4 bell pepper plants, 4 lavender plants, and 5 jalepeno plants. The remaining seeds will be sown directly very soon!

Although it took a little bit of gettin' our hands dirty, we had a ton of fun getting our seeds planted

...and immediately took them outside in hopes that we might help jump-start the germination by giving them a little shot of UV rays.

and finally, in a (probably somewhat rash) spur of the moment decision we wended up with some organic broccoli and kale seeds that we had not originally intended to buy from Whole Foods and planted those together.

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